Televic is thrilled to have been a part of the successful final assembly of the German Synodal Way in Frankfurt.

Our premium partner, Ellerbrock, utilized our Televic products to install a system that allowed for the event to run smoothly. With our Confidea Flex tabletop units, 230 bishops and lay representatives discussed various issues, including blessings for homosexual couples, the ordination of women, a relaxation of mandatory celibacy, and greater church involvement for laypeople.

Due to space restrictions, one of the challenges was the need for interpreters to sit in a different location. However, this posed no problem for our Televic Plixus system, which allowed for the stretching of miles of cable throughout the building, making the event possible.

We are proud of the role that our products played in making this event a success, and we look forward to providing our customers with more innovative solutions in the future.